The benefits of having a pet model agency, and how it works?

Don’t be fooled, humans aren’t the only participants in the modelling and entertainment industry. Pets and animals also play a huge role in increasing and enhancing advertising materials. Your pets are just as important in the industry as everyone else involved, which is why pets also need agents.

Our favourite fur babies can be great models but that doesn’t mean the industry isn’t just as complicated, confusing and fast-paced as it is for humans. This is why having an agent for your pet can actually provide a huge range of benefits if you’re thinking of getting your pet into the industry.


So, what exactly can a pet model agency do for you, and how does it all work?

A pet model agency is where your little supaw-star gets their own pet profile so that the agency can put them forward for any client's briefs that come across their desk. These briefs could be from a range of clients from Petstock to AAMI, and for a TV advertisement or some social media content, the range is endless.

A pet model agency works to get your paw-fect companion the chance to shine in the industry. An agency has established relationships with top ad agencies, TV producers and pet brands that most everyday people don’t have, so they can maximise your pet’s exposure and a chance of landing a job; which is one of the main benefits of joining an agency.

Here is how it works.

Firstly you sign your pet up with your choice of pet agency. Then once your pet’s profile is all set up the waiting game begins. While you sit back and relax, your agent will be ensuring that your furry friend is put forward for all of the client's briefs that they are suitable for. Then, if a client selects your pet for an audition, or to attend a job you’re in luck and your agent will get in touch with you to confirm your availability and let you know all the information from the client. Once you’ve attended the job and once the client pays us, we will instantly pass your earnings onto you, minus the agent’s commission. And that’s how it all works.

So, while the benefits of an agency are endless, if you think the industry is going to be all dog treats and cat toys, then the reality might be more of a shock. Unfortunately, the downside of the industry is that despite having an agent, no one can guarantee that your pet will land a job during their representation with an agency. This is the reality of such a cutthroat sector and it’s not for everyone, so remember that when considering whether or not an agency is the right choice for you.

A pet model agency is one of the key factors in ensuring that you get the most out of the industry, so if this sounds like the perfect next adventure for your amazing pets, then A-List Animals is the agency you need. A-List is still looking for ordinary pets, just like yours to fill the open pet categories.

So, you can get started today by reading our FAQs, getting in touch with us, or head to our sign-up page and get started today!